1. /* slflcml.cpp by K.Tsuru */
  2. // function ID 2008 DRADIX, BRADIX since ver 2.8
  3. /***********************************************************************
  4. SLong and SInteger classes
  5. It provides the LCM (Least Common Multiple).
  6. It returns a positive value.
  7. ************************************************************************/
  8. #ifndef SN_H
  9. #include "sn.h"
  10. #endif
  11. SLong lcmL(const SLong& a, const SLong& b) {
  12. if ( a.Sign(2008) == 0 || b.Sign(2008) == 0 ) return 0.0;
  13. SLong d = gcdL(a, b);
  14. return (a / d) * b;
  15. }

slflcml.cpp : last modifiled at 2007/12/06 10:56:55(535 bytes)
created at 2017/10/07 10:26:50
The creation time of this html file is 2017/11/09 14:52:03 (Thu Nov 09 14:52:03 2017).